Jun 14, 2011 | Business of Testing, Testing, Testing Career
10:00 AM “Holy smokes, I can’t believe I’m so late!” I roll over and look at the clock. 10AM. 10AM?! I was supposed to be in the office an hour ago. What happened? I overslept? That’s so not like me. I check my cell phone – battery is...
Jul 6, 2009 | Business of Testing, Funtional, Leadership, Management, Metrics, Process, QA, RBCS, Requirements, Team Management, Test Case, Test Estimation, Test Plans, Testing, Testing Career, Tools
This article, contributed by STP guest editor Rex Black, is reprinted from “Beautiful Testing: Leading Professionals Reveal How They Improve Software” (O’Reilly, October 2009). The book, edited by Tim Riley and Adam Goucher, is a compilation of essays from 27...
Jan 1, 2009 | Automation, Business of Testing, Funtional, Process, QA, RBCS, Testing
This is a case study in how we reduced our risks and achieved our test automation objectives in just a few months on a total outlay of $0 for tools. Now, it wasn’t as if we started with zero cost as a target. Often, buying tools is the most cost-effective solution, so we evaluated test automation tools as a potential solution.
Mar 1, 2008 | Business of Testing, Management, Process, QA, RBCS, Requirements, Testing, Testing Career, Tools
When You Must Buy Versus Build, There Are Ways To Help You Avoid Any Slip-ups More and more projects involve integration of custom-developed or commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components, rather than in-house development or enhancement of software. In effect, these...