Oct 11, 2010 | Development, Management, Testing
What is embedded software? Embedded software is sometimes known as firmware. Specifically, we design, code, and test software that is permanently or semi-permanently stored on the microprocessor or sometimes stored in some other nonvolatile memory location but is almost never stored on a hard drive or CD/ DVD. In colloquial terms, we say the software is “burned” onto the chip.
Aug 1, 2010 | Development, Leadership, Management, Testing
What is the purpose of adding ‘Control’ to our list of tasks? One major reason lies in the tendency of processes to lapse back into previous and undesirable behaviors. Our ‘Improve’ phase options may make for better software or better software development, but it is entirely possible that the new approach hasn’t taken root with our developers. By adding some reasonable measures to control regression to the past, we can help see to it that our new approach has a chance to become institutionalized in our organizations, be they large or small or somewhere in between.
Jun 1, 2010 | Development, Leadership, Management, Process, Testing
“We can Improve the Software Itself (And, possibly, the testing) Or We can Improve The Development Process.” We can improve software development in two primary ways: we can improve the software itself (and, possibly, the testing) or we can improve the development...