Applying Software Craftsmanship to the Evolving World of Automation
Software Craftsmanship is a practice of continuous development and helping others learn this craft. As the world is evolving towards the era of scripting language, Khyati will be sharing our experience of how we have grown as a team of all QA with programming language background to the niche typescript world contributor.

Lean QA: Monitoring, Experiments, Automation
Have you ever wondered if you want/need/able to test in production? Is it even possible without bringing harm to your users? Does it bring any value?

Re-Shaping the Test Pyramid
In this session, Jennifer Bonine and Rick Faulise will explore new shifts in testing paradigms. Demonstrate an AI-first testing method that integrates with your current manual and automation testing, and understand AI that aids your app teams. Re-think where you want to spend time and money in your testing team in a challenge that plagues most companies of too much to test and too little time.

Cynefin for XPers
In this talk, Liz introduces the Cynefin framework to help make sense of different types of situations and how to approach them: the obvious ones, the complicated ones which require expertise, the complex ones in which outcomes emerge, and the chaotic ones that we’re usually trying to avoid. Find out how these simple concepts can help us counter our innate human desire for predictability, enabling change and innovation; not just in software development, but in every aspect of our lives.

5 Secrets for Simplifying Your Automated Test Cases
Are you tired of spending endless hours maintaining your automated test cases? Do you dread looking at test automation reports because of the tedious tweaks you know you’ll need to make from the latest updates from dev? Has your team lost its faith in test automation?

Keys to Effective Test Automation in DevOps
The ultimate goal of a DevOps approach is to deliver high-quality features to your customers at the pace they need. High performing DevOps shops point to continuous testing and test automation as key contributors to their success.

Intro to Postmodern Testing
Recorded 01/23/19 Modern testing isn’t keeping up with Agile and DevOps. Postmodern testing, like its artistic parallel, is the acceptance of this reality and practically combines the learnings of what works and what doesn’t in today’s software engineering landscape....
What is Testing, and How do We Measure It?
I won’t bombard you with gazillions of testing metrics in this article. Instead, I would like to share my thoughts on what to consider when you want to measure testing. I often see testing metrics misused from one project to another, and wanted to share my take....
How Measuring Defect Detection Percentage (DDP) Improves Regression Test Coverage
In this Webinar, we will show you the fundamentals to calculating how effective your team is at finding bugs in your software. Using ServiceNow and Micro Focus ALM to demonstrate, we’ll show you how to automate the flow of information between your ALM and ITSM tools to monitor DDP in real time.

The Art and Science of Test Automation
You can start painting without learning how to draw, but a good artist can tell — just by looking at a painting— if a work of art was done by someone who was an experienced artist, or a novice. Similarly, you can start automation without much training, but an engineer, well versed in automation, can quickly tell whether someone is practiced or not.