Reducing the Cost of Testing by Avoiding Automation Pitfalls
Ah, the wonders of automation. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this beautiful world where machines can work for or even replace humans. Some people believe that automation can take the job of manual testers, whereas others are more rational and know that an...
Cost of Unbalanced Teams
The obvious and completely correct answer is that it depends on what you’re building; who your users are; and a whole host of other factors. The less obvious factor is who cares? If you have the wrong number of testers, what does that cost? There are certainly costs...
Reduce Costs by Decreasing Overhead
When strictly following process, creating pages of documentation, or trying to stop a release without understanding the business, testers do not provide a service. They instead become an expensive part of a company that returns little value. These testers are...
Great Testing, Bad Business
We all endeavor to improve how we work. The twin goals of increasing both the efficiency and effectiveness of our testing are always on the mind of any professional software tester. But does improved testing always lead to business benefit? What is Quality Software?...
Test Estimation
In this webinar, drawn from three decades of industry experience and materials in his best-selling book Managing the Testing Process, 3rd edition, Rex will discuss fundamental techniques for test estimation. Join in the discussion after the initial presentation, and ask Rex about the challenges you face with test estimation.
Managing COTS Test Efforts, In Three Parts
It’s Like Conducting an Orchestra! Imagine this:You are a testing professional newly hired by a mid-to-large size company. Any industry. You are responsible for the testing of all of the company’s internal corporate systems—HRIS, Finance, ERP, CRM,...
TEACHERS AND ROCK STARS: Closing The Gap Between Software Testing & Development
In every business there is a contention between those perceived as “Producers” (who make things), “Facilitators” (who help make things happen), and “Constrainers” (who help prevent things from happening). Problems occur when these...
The Secret Skill – How to Sell Testing
A software tester must have and use many skills to be effective in their work. The one that is most underutilized, or not used at all, is the skill of selling. This is a communication skill that has profound impact on a tester’s ability to do their job and get...
The Fuzzy Line Between Requirements and Design
First, this statement sounds as though there’s a sharp boundary between requirements and design. There’s not. In reality, between requirements and design lies a fuzzy gray region, not a crisp line. I prefer to say that requirements should emphasize what...
Ask the Tester: Selena Delesie
You may have heard of Selena Delesie, frequent Software Test Professionals conference speaker and perhaps the most famous test consultant to come out of Research In Motion. RIM created the ‘BlackBerry’, the first massively successful integrated mobile...
Advanced Software Testing: Code Coverage
Code coverage allows us to understand how much of the code has and hasn’t been tested, and to identify new and useful test cases to fill the coverage holes. Join this webinar, illustrated with examples throughout, to learn a technique that you can apply to your work right away.