The Psychopolitics of Test Management
Rex will discuss how psychology and politics can collide to make the test manager’s job…interesting. Join in the discussion after the initial presentation with your own questions and stories about testing psychology, testing politics, and plain ol’ psycho-politics!

Ask the Tester: James Bach
He’s worked at some of the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley, co-authored a best-selling test textbook, keynoted at every international test conference, and, yes, has primary credit for popularizing the term “exploratory testing.” Did I...
Delivering Value and the Testing Quagmire
Through my many years in QA, I have experienced many epiphanies about quality, testing and what these terms actually mean to business owners and end users. After 20+ years working for both large multi-national and small companies across several industries, I have...
You Want to Launch When? Mobile App Testing Tips for Startups
With the vast majority of mobile apps being developed by startups, it is critical for these early-stage companies to be prepared to address the challenges that apps bring to the development and quality processes. The mobile web and native apps present distinct...
The Price of Right
What made me think of this? When I teach project management and I discuss scope creep; I usually tell a story about one of my first projects. I really wanted to get along with my customer. I was not well versed in all of the project management bodies of knowledge. I...
A Roadmap to Streamlining User Acceptance Testing
A Guide to Streamlining User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for $100 million dollar plus IT Projects focuses on the application of leading-edge testing management tools and techniques to streamline and manage the UAT phase of testing. Inspired by the author’s...
Keeping Your Eye on the Prize
Sometimes we all get caught up in the whirlwind and forget about the bigger picture. The bigger picture for a QA professional is software quality. Now that we got that out of the way, let me remove my captain obvious ball cap and give you some straight talk. How many...
Game On!
When I was a kid I used to play ball out in the street in front of my house. The neighborhood kids, my brothers, and I would have a game going and then a car would turn on to the street and we would yell “CAR!” This would stop the game and everyone would...
What Being a Context-Driven Tester Means to Me
I guess it’s that time again. What time is that, you ask? It’s the time when discussion/debate flares up over Context-Driven.I’m not going to weigh in on the whole discussion of pros/cons, value/distraction, etc. I am a consultant. I am...
Bridging the Conversational Divide Between the IT Support Center and the Testing Department
There are two types of managers, those that are happy, even eager, to work with their colleagues and those that don’t pay much attention to anyone else unless they have to. If you’re a busy software test manager— that’s probably redundant—you...