You’re a New QA Manager! What’s next?

You’re a New QA Manager! What’s next?

Congratulations! You’ve just joined a company as the new QA Manager and you’re eager to dive right in and be successful. What will be your first steps besides familiarizing yourself with the applications under test? Our recommendation is to thoroughly...
Six Sigma Control in Software Development

Six Sigma Control in Software Development

What is the purpose of adding ‘Control’ to our list of tasks? One major reason lies in the tendency of processes to lapse back into previous and undesirable behaviors. Our ‘Improve’ phase options may make for better software or better software development, but it is entirely possible that the new approach hasn’t taken root with our developers. By adding some reasonable measures to control regression to the past, we can help see to it that our new approach has a chance to become institutionalized in our organizations, be they large or small or somewhere in between.

Baselining Your Testing Team

Baselining Your Testing Team

Across the software testing market, tester’s skill levels differ tremendously. Some testers have experience with regulated environments, while others have worked exclusively on startup projects. Requirements and project management maturity levels vary across projects...
Dinner With A Rapid Test Manager

Dinner With A Rapid Test Manager

“The first thing I did was to learn what their day was like,” he told me. “Did the test process give them freedom to think? Or was the work of investigation obstructed by a smothering blanket of pre-planned test cases?” We were interrupted briefly by the waiter taking...
Beautiful Testing Satisfies Stakeholders

Beautiful Testing Satisfies Stakeholders

This article, contributed by STP guest editor Rex Black, is reprinted from “Beautiful Testing: Leading Professionals Reveal How They Improve Software” (O’Reilly, October 2009). The book, edited by Tim Riley and Adam Goucher, is a compilation of essays from 27...
How to Pick A Winning Test Team

How to Pick A Winning Test Team

Automation Demands Special Skills; Field The Best Players Possible People are at the core of any successful automated software testing program implementation, and hiring competent and qualified people with the matching skill set is critical to the success of AST....