Jul 22, 2021 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Machine Learning, Process, QA, Selenium, Test Case, Test Plans, Testing, Tools
With the advent of automation, the software testing scenario has completely changed. Let’s dive into the present and future to understand how advancement in automation will impact the Software Testing World.
Jun 26, 2020 | Automation, Business of Testing, CI CD, Community Webinar, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Machine Learning, Mobile, Performance, Process, QA, Security Testing, Selenium, Testing, Webinar
Security has become a necessity in our day-to-day activities. Are we aware of how we can uncover these vulnerabilities? Do we understand the basic security tests that we run? Can we analyze and understand whether the threat found is a false positive or not? How can we make Static Application Security Testing and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) work hand in hand for our benefit? How can we have DAST Automated with our dear Selenium? How can we apply DAST on Mobile Apps? How can we have DAST part of CI/CD pipeline?
Feb 12, 2020 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Leadership, Machine Learning, STPCon, Testing, Training, Webinar
In this webinar, Jennifer Bonine will discuss the impact and scope of AI in testing. She will address some of the most burning questions out there on the subject around its impact to testers and give practical advice for when and how to add AI to your testing practices.
Oct 18, 2019 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, CI CD, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Leadership, Machine Learning, Management, Process, QA, Testing, Tools
At the turn of the 19th century, the industrial revolution replaced many manual jobs and that resulted in a better quality of life. At the same time, it also led to the loss of a large number of jobs in the short term. Since then there has been a recurrent fear that technological change will spawn mass unemployment. However, the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning revolution, that the world has come to terms with, will be significantly different from the Industrial Revolution.
Mar 13, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Load, Machine Learning, Performance, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
Sure, machine learning is nothing new. And artificial intelligence is nothing new. However, when we are starting to leverage these not-so-new “intelligence” tools in our work as test engineers, that is quite new. This webinar gives some advice based on some research over the last 2 years of burgeoning ideas about how we are going to conduct performance testing and engineering work with AI and ML.
Mar 1, 2019 | Agile, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Context Driven, Development, DevOps, Exploratory, Leadership, Machine Learning, Management, Process, QA, STP Community, STPCon, Test Plans, Testing, Tools, Training, Webinar
Here is your opportunity to ask any questions to Michael Bolton. Michael is a consulting software tester and testing teacher who helps people solve testing problems that they didn’t realize they could solve.
Jan 24, 2019 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Featured, Leadership, Machine Learning, QA, STP Community, STPCon, Testing, Webinar
Recorded 01/23/19 Modern testing isn’t keeping up with Agile and DevOps. Postmodern testing, like its artistic parallel, is the acceptance of this reality and practically combines the learnings of what works and what doesn’t in today’s software engineering landscape....
Nov 29, 2018 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Community Webinar, Machine Learning, Process, STP Community, Testing, Tools, Webinar
Here at Functionize we have taken the idea of canary testing and have added some of our AI magic to make a system that is both powerful and able to automatically identify issues in your released code. Rather than simply monitor the bulk performance of all users on the...
Nov 14, 2018 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Community Webinar, Machine Learning, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
Machine Learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) tools are the hottest topics right now in the testing industry, however, QA managers and manual testers have little to no knowledge about it. Thus, Yarin, the co-founder of TestCraft will go deeply into the details of ML functionality and explain the importance of ML & codeless Selenium – with real examples, statistics, and applications.
Aug 23, 2018 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Community Webinar, Development, Featured, Machine Learning, Mobile, Process, QA, Selenium, STP Community, Test Plans, Testing, Tools, Training, Webinar
Recorded 08/22/18 Demystifying Mobile Application Testing In the past decade, mobile technologies have rapidly evolved. What started as a “nice to have” feature for companies, is now a “must have” feature. Everything is mobile. Customers...
Aug 15, 2018 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Business of Testing, Development, Featured, Machine Learning, STP Community, Testing, Tools
The value of machine learning is rooted in its ability to create models that guide future actions and to discover patterns missed by the naked eye. Machine learning methods are vastly superior in analyzing potential customer churn across data from multiple sources such as transactional, social media, and CRM sources.