Aug 23, 2011 | Metrics, Process, Testing
Compuware recently published a study that shows up to 60% of development and testing time is spent working on data-related tasks. Data-related tasks can present themselves in the form of data creation, modification, or writing, investigating, and resolving...
Aug 1, 2011 | Agile, Leadership, Metrics, Test Estimation, Test Plans, Testing
If you have worked in a project executed & delivered using waterfall model, you must be very familiar with the test planning process. Usually these test plan documents are comprehensive with a lot of information regarding scope, entry-exit criteria for each gates...
Jun 2, 2011 | Community Webinar, Metrics, RBCS-Webinar, Testing, Webinar
What metrics can we use to measure our progress in testing a project? What do metrics tell us about the quality of the product? In this webinar, Rex will share some things he’s learned about metrics that you can put to work right away.
Nov 10, 2009 | Automation, Metrics, Testing
Without the Proper Metrics, All the Automation In the World Won’t Yield Useful Results “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and can express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers,...
Jul 6, 2009 | Business of Testing, Funtional, Leadership, Management, Metrics, Process, QA, RBCS, Requirements, Team Management, Test Case, Test Estimation, Test Plans, Testing, Testing Career, Tools
This article, contributed by STP guest editor Rex Black, is reprinted from “Beautiful Testing: Leading Professionals Reveal How They Improve Software” (O’Reilly, October 2009). The book, edited by Tim Riley and Adam Goucher, is a compilation of essays from 27...