Jun 22, 2012 | Agile, Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Development, Leadership, Management, Process, QA, RBCS-Webinar, Testing, Testing Career, Tools, Webinar
In this webinar, illustrated with case studies of successful and unsuccessful test teams, Rex will explain how you can transform your test team into a trusted partner.
May 12, 2012 | Business of Testing, DevOps, Leadership, Management, Process, QA, RBCS-Webinar, Testing, Webinar
In this webinar, Rex will explain the evaluation guidelines and how to apply them to your organization. You’ll come away ready to get started on bottom-line focused, data-driven improvements to your testing processes.
Apr 24, 2012 | Process, Testing
Are leaders born or made? Most people believe leaders have natural characteristics that cannot be learned. Some believe that leadership is a trait you are born with. I have learned over the years that good leaders are made not born. Being a good leader is much more...
Apr 21, 2012 | Business of Testing, Context Driven, Leadership, Management, Metrics, Process, QA, RBCS, Regression Testing, Security Testing, Test Estimation, Test Plans, Testing, Testing Career, Tools
Ultimately, those of us who consider ourselves software engineers, like all engineers, are in the business of building useful things. Of course, engineers need tools. Civil engineers have dump trucks, trenching machines, and graders. Mechanical engineers have CAD/CAM...
Apr 21, 2012 | Leadership, Management, Process, QA, Testing
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bus.” “The grass is always greener on the other side”.Whether you agree with the origins of the saying, the meaning is clear. Something worth having is going to take you some time to get. Your first...
Feb 28, 2012 | Automation, Process, Testing
Working with functional testing in the web application space means you need to deal with a few troublesome areas which may not be familiar to you. Let’s look at three common situations you’ll likely run into on web applications: JavaScript is bound to an...
Jan 12, 2012 | Leadership, Process, QA, RBCS-Webinar, Team Management, Testing
How can we measure success for such team? In this presentation, drawn from three decades of industry experience, Rex will help you find answers to these questions, and to establish—or improve—your independent testing team. Join in the discussion after the initial presentation, and ask Rex about the challenges you face with test estimation.
Jan 5, 2012 | Performance, Process, Test Plans, Testing
This is Part 2, didn’t read Part 1 – See it here. IEEE Software Engineering Book of Knowledge defines four stages or requirements1: Elicitation: Identifying sources and collecting requirements. Analysis: Classifying, elaborating, and negotiating...
Nov 29, 2011 | Performance, Process, Testing
Our organization recently implemented Sharepoint 2010. During testing, functional users noticed that the application “looked different” or rendered information that was impossible to read on different browsers. The test team was called in to help after the...
Nov 22, 2011 | Leadership, Process, QA, Testing
In western movies, whenever a suspicious stranger blows into the bootstrapping town of good folk, the local sheriff makes a point to interact with the stranger early. “We’re a law-abiding people,” the sheriff says, instructing the stranger on the town rules and his...
Nov 22, 2011 | Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Metrics, Process, QA, RBCS, RBCS-Webinar, Requirements, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
In this webinar, Rex will discuss important things test professionals can learn by listening to defects. He’ll illustrate these insights with a variety of case studies and examples. You’ll walk away ready to listen to your defects, and to understand what they’re telling you.
Nov 17, 2011 | Leadership, Process, QA, Testing
You can’t govern what you can’t see. As simple as this axiom might sound, it holds true for industries of all types. It holds particular relevance to the IT industry since many critical processes that an entire business depends on runs under the hood in...