The Se7en Deadly Sins in Software Testing
Lack of “Lust for finding Defects” – Lust could be an objectionable vice in the Bible, but in the “Bible of Software Testing”, lust is a good thing; lust for finding defects that is. Have a craving, appetite, or great desire towards finding...Stealth Deployment
This is a rework of a cartoon I drew in December 2006 based on a story that happened almost exactly like the cartoon demonstrates. I was “CC”-ied an Email which the head developer at that time answered to Engineering team. He forced them to deploy a piece...Implementing Six Sigma: Improvement in Software Development
“We can Improve the Software Itself (And, possibly, the testing) Or We can Improve The Development Process.” We can improve software development in two primary ways: we can improve the software itself (and, possibly, the testing) or we can improve the development...Beautiful Testing Satisfies Stakeholders
This article, contributed by STP guest editor Rex Black, is reprinted from “Beautiful Testing: Leading Professionals Reveal How They Improve Software” (O’Reilly, October 2009). The book, edited by Tim Riley and Adam Goucher, is a compilation of essays from 27...Pre-Deployment Load Testing
Don’t Let Overload Put Your Company’s Name on The Front Page Load testing should be an integral part of any quality process. Unlike functional testing, which ensures that applications perform as expected in terms of functional requirements, load and performance...Stuck With Two Impossible Choices
When It Comes To Security Auditing, One Size Does Not Fit All One key problem with security code audits is that they tend to cause more problems than they solve. “One size fits all” audit scans tend to overwhelm developers, ultimately leaving the team with a long list...Engineering Quality Goes Bananas
This is a case study in how we reduced our risks and achieved our test automation objectives in just a few months on a total outlay of $0 for tools. Now, it wasn’t as if we started with zero cost as a target. Often, buying tools is the most cost-effective solution, so we evaluated test automation tools as a potential solution.