Google Glass – Age of Wearables: A Quick Review

Google Glass – Age of Wearables: A Quick Review

I’m writing this after 2 months of using Google Glass. As a mobile usability and UX guy, I’ve been talking a lot about wearables lately and how they will be transforming the mobile industry as they collect contextual data from the body and around the body (the...
Practical Tips to ETL Testing

Practical Tips to ETL Testing

Big Data represents all kinds of opportunities for all kinds of businesses, but collecting it, cleaning it up, and storing it can be a logistical nightmare. According to the latest IDC research the big data technology and services market is showing a compound annual...
Agile Testing Opportunities

The Sherpas of Testing Success: Studies of Successful Independent Test Groups

How can we measure success for such team? In this presentation, drawn from three decades of industry experience, Rex will help you find answers to these questions, and to establish—or improve—your independent testing team. Join in the discussion after the initial presentation, and ask Rex about the challenges you face with test estimation.