Michael Larsen on Testing Career Paths

Michael Larsen on Testing Career Paths

Michael “TestHead” Larsen joined us for a long, long conversation about how you can become a great software tester and how his own career developed through ups and downs, turns and twists (no pun intended) to arrive at his current level of genuine guru....
Managing Technical Test Debt

Managing Technical Test Debt

This download re-frames the notion of Technical Debt into the arena of Agile QA & Testing. managing-technical-test-debt About the Author Bob Galen BOB GALEN is the Director of R&D and Scrum Coach at iContact in Durham, N.C. In this role, he operates as an...
The Downside to Being a Tester!

The Downside to Being a Tester!

The world is moving fast towards realizing the true importance of software testing. Gone are the days where management was biased against testers or testing teams. Today, we, the testers, are being looked upon as an integral part of product development. Well, the...
Considering Test Estimation and Negotiation

Considering Test Estimation and Negotiation

What Is Estimation? Test estimation is a forecast of the projected cost and duration of testing which is agreed upon between the testers and enterprise which requires testing. It is a means for discerning information which will need to be fed back in to the business....
Practical Tips to ETL Testing

Practical Tips to ETL Testing

Big Data represents all kinds of opportunities for all kinds of businesses, but collecting it, cleaning it up, and storing it can be a logistical nightmare. According to the latest IDC research the big data technology and services market is showing a compound annual...
Scenario Testing: Four Tips on How to Manage Effectively

Scenario Testing: Four Tips on How to Manage Effectively

Testing software has always been complex. The minute you add more than a handful of features to any system, theoretical complexity sky rockets. All the buttons to click, links to follow, client browser versions, client bandwidth and what have you, will soon add up to...
Michael Larsen on Testing Career Paths

STP Radio: Chat with Mark Tomlinson

Mark Tomlinson host of PerfBytes, Performance Tester, Speaker, and all around Testing guru talks about the similarities of music and testing. Testing and music have many common attributes and it is fun to listen to Mark make the comparison! Mark talks about...
Fruits, Baby Steps, and Coffee

Fruits, Baby Steps, and Coffee

It is my pleasure once again to present at the Software Test Professional Conference fall 2013. Actually, present is not the best word, facilitate is more accurate. I have the opportunity to facilitate a Lean Coffee session, which is a fairly newly structured, yet...