Oct 8, 2013 | Process, Testing
Introduction: We have been doing software testing for quite a long time now. There are many organizations who have invested a considerable amount of time in their testing capabilities. How mature are those capabilities? Each organization has different set of processes...
Aug 2, 2013 | Automation, Leadership, Testing
Continued from Part 1 5. Adopt a Tiered Approach to SAP Automation Architecture An automation framework can be broken down into 3 distinct tiers. Provided below is a description of each tier that you should include in your SAP automation framework. Figure-1 provides...
Jul 8, 2013 | STP Community, Testing, Testing Career
We live in a world consisting of almost 200 countries filled with thousands of languages. But is the language of testing universal? Have you ever wondered if testing practices in other countries are similar to yours? Well, I hope that this article gives you a...
Jun 7, 2013 | Automation, Leadership, Process, Testing
Introduction Anyone that has watched the movie A League of Their Own must remember the scene when Dottie quit the team right before the World Series. The conversation between her and Jimmy [Tom Hanks] has been one of the most unforgettable scenes for me....
May 13, 2013 | Cartoon, Testing
About the Author Torsten Zelger I am in the testing business since 12 years and started straight with test automation. A subject that still fascinates me although today I focus more on automated testing BELOW the UI and manual testing again. Before testing I was...
Mar 15, 2013 | Leadership, STP Community, Team Management, Testing, Testing Career
Well it’s 2013 and once again a new tax season starts for the US. Everyone is pulling together all their financial documents, summarizing their income, expenses, and tax write-offs. And, for many, they will be using tax software to assist them with their tax...
Mar 1, 2013 | Performance, Testing
In a previous article, I provided details on the top two performance landmines to be aware – Size and Deployment Issues – as well as details on how best to avoid them. In regards to Size, bigger pages inevitably take longer to load. You don’t want to...
Feb 15, 2013 | Performance, Testing
Performance is a critical business issue. Research has shown that 75% of users will go to a competitor if your web performance is poor. Sites often bog down or fail during peak traffic times, exactly when they need to perform at their best. There are only a few...
Jan 4, 2013 | Process, Testing
We have executed many projects Large Projects, Small Projects etc. Sometimes we miss our testing deadlines because there is no defined criterion that is used to build our execution test plan. To help avoid missing our deadlines we have prepared these Test Estimation...
Dec 19, 2012 | Mobile, Software Test & QA Magazine, Testing, Tools
As opposed to desktop computers, there is a specific framework that applies to mobile devices such as cells or smartphones: There is not only a smaller screen size; mobile services and applications (apps) are also frequently used in a completely different context....
Dec 19, 2012 | Performance, Testing, Tools
While each kind of performance testing may have different goals and test designs, in most cases they use the same approach: applying multi-user synthetic workload to the system. The term ‘load testing’ is used further in this article because, by...