Great Testing, Bad Business

Great Testing, Bad Business

We all endeavor to improve how we work. The twin goals of increasing both the efficiency and effectiveness of our testing are always on the mind of any professional software tester. But does improved testing always lead to business benefit? What is Quality Software?...
A Five-Ingredient Quality Metrics ‘Vowel’ Soup

A Five-Ingredient Quality Metrics ‘Vowel’ Soup

Do you have questions on to how to implement a quality metrics program? What are the ingredients that are key to a well-established metrics program? What are some real-world metrics one could implement in their organization to guide improvement or quality...
How to Successfully Build an Automation Program

How to Successfully Build an Automation Program

To effectively implement an automation program, the same approach and similar effort is needed when building complex software. You will be integrating a system with many parts as well as software (i.e. scripts and glue software). Additionally, to complicate things the...
The Secret Skill – How to Sell Testing

The Secret Skill – How to Sell Testing

A software tester must have and use many skills to be effective in their work. The one that is most underutilized, or not used at all, is the skill of selling. This is a communication skill that has profound impact on a tester’s ability to do their job and get...
It Works on My Machine

It Works on My Machine

About the Author Torsten Zelger I am in the testing business since 12 years and started straight with test automation. A subject that still fascinates me although today I focus more on automated testing BELOW the UI and manual testing again. Before testing I was...
Agile Testing – Do We Need Test Plans?

Agile Testing – Do We Need Test Plans?

Usually these test plan documents are comprehensive with a lot of information regarding scope, entry-exit criteria for each gate and phase of testing, testing types, environments, timelines, point of contacts etc. So, is there a need to have test plans for Agile based...