Advanced Software Testing: Code Coverage
Code coverage allows us to understand how much of the code has and hasn’t been tested, and to identify new and useful test cases to fill the coverage holes. Join this webinar, illustrated with examples throughout, to learn a technique that you can apply to your work right away.

Psychology of an Inventive Tester
It is not a job requirement, but when getting hired as a software tester your creativeness will be assessed either through some interview questions or in a practical task. The funny thing is that employers should be careful what they wish for as an overly creative...
Agile testing-Do we need test plans?
If you have worked in a project executed & delivered using waterfall model, you must be very familiar with the test planning process. Usually these test plan documents are comprehensive with a lot of information regarding scope, entry-exit criteria for each gates...
Eat it!
Everyone expects testers to do a great testing job, regardless of whether you get the right information at the right time. There is not much you can do about it. I still remember Bart Simpson‘s phrase „You are damned if you do, and you are damned if you don‘t“. So, if...
The Psychopolitics of Test Management
Rex will discuss how psychology and politics can collide to make the test manager’s job…interesting. Join in the discussion after the initial presentation with your own questions and stories about testing psychology, testing politics, and plain ol’ psycho-politics!

ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst
In this webcast, Rex will explain why it’s so tough—and why technically-oriented testers who have achieved Foundation certification should step up to the challenge.

Lessons Learned in Data Migration
When I began working on a data migration project last year, I did not have much idea as to what it could entail. I did not have much experience with data migration apart from having some theoretical knowledge of what one should consider for testing such a project...
The Role of QA in the Brave New World of Agile Development
Are you in a quandary over how QA is supposed to work in an Agile Delivery Team? Were things better for you when you could count on having complete requirements to start from and completed systems to test to? Are you finding yourself over worked and stressed out with...
Performance Requirements: An Attempt at a Systematic View
Performance Requirements: What is the Problem? At first glance, the subject of performance requirements looks simple enough. Almost every book about performance has a few pages about performance requirements. Quite often a performance requirements section can be found...
Another Day in the Life of a Tester
10:00 AM “Holy smokes, I can’t believe I’m so late!” I roll over and look at the clock. 10AM. 10AM?! I was supposed to be in the office an hour ago. What happened? I overslept? That’s so not like me. I check my cell phone – battery is...