Jun 14, 2011 | Process, QA, Test Plans, Testing
I have yet to see a process where bug regression is also part of bug verification. It is not uncommon to sometimes see that new bugs are created as a result of a bug fix. Sometimes the change in the code inadvertently causes the existing functionality to break. As we...
Jun 14, 2011 | Leadership, Process, Testing
Through my many years in QA, I have experienced many epiphanies about quality, testing and what these terms actually mean to business owners and end users. After 20+ years working for both large multi-national and small companies across several industries, I have...
Jun 14, 2011 | Exploratory, Testing
“Just back a little… bit… more…” Jenny struggled with her words, so much of her energy being consumed in processing the image in her viewfinder. Her assistant Martin drew the disc-shaped diffuser back an amount so small that the model...
Jun 14, 2011 | Testing, Training
There is no question that there are great opportunities for improvement when it comes to testing teams and organizations that employ them. A discussion less frequently addressed is when individual testers are the entire test team. Various names have been applied to...
Jun 7, 2011 | Process, Testing
My favorite book is Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. Without ruining the book for those that have not read it there is a great quote in the book. The phrase “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” is Latin for “Who guards the guards” I believe this is...
Jun 2, 2011 | Community Webinar, Metrics, RBCS-Webinar, Testing, Webinar
What metrics can we use to measure our progress in testing a project? What do metrics tell us about the quality of the product? In this webinar, Rex will share some things he’s learned about metrics that you can put to work right away.
Jun 2, 2011 | Agile, Exploratory, Management, Testing
Developers can help with the testing bottleneck, by executing scripts predefined by the tester. However, this does come with a risk because one test approach that is difficult to handover is the exploratory side of things. Let me explain… Since moving into agile...
May 19, 2011 | Leadership, Management, Mobile, Testing
With the vast majority of mobile apps being developed by startups, it is critical for these early-stage companies to be prepared to address the challenges that apps bring to the development and quality processes. The mobile web and native apps present distinct...
May 19, 2011 | Automation, Process, Testing
If you’re planning to test a content-rich website that includes numerous pages, images, and links between them, you might consider using an automated link checking tool. An automated link checker, such as Xenu LinkSleuth or Fast Link Checker, spiders your...
May 19, 2011 | Automation, Mobile, Testing
It is no surprise in the day and age of instant-on gratification that mobile devices are gaining momentum. People have become accustomed to accessing information when they want it, and the mobile device is one way to stay connected. Across all industries, companies...
May 19, 2011 | Leadership, Testing, User Acceptance
A Guide to Streamlining User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for $100 million dollar plus IT Projects focuses on the application of leading-edge testing management tools and techniques to streamline and manage the UAT phase of testing. Inspired by the author’s...