Jun 11, 2019 | Automation, STP Community, Testing, User Acceptance
Accelerated delivery is now mandatory, especially for digital transformation. That is the reason continuous delivery, low-code, no-code development is getting utilized everywhere. Application teams need to release the new features faster or update the features faster.
May 24, 2019 | Automation, DevOps, QA, Testing, Tools, Training, Webinar
As automation knocks on the door once again, for many there is a continued fear, when will I be automated away? While manual testing will continue for the foreseeable future, it never hurts to get introduced to the concepts of what might come next as a manual tester! The world of software development and software testing continues to change, and as it does, testing and development come to meet in the contested territory of DevOps.
May 9, 2019 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Leadership, Management, QA, STPCon, Testing, Tools, Training, Webinar
Since AI driven test generation was first introduced in 2017, much has been learned. Millions of test steps were generated and executed, finding thousands of bugs. We will dig into how the technology works, where it works and doesn’t.
Apr 26, 2019 | Community Webinar, DevOps, Leadership, Management, STP Community, Testing, Testing Career, Webinar
The world of testing is always evolving – software development life-cycles, delivery models and team culture. We see this evolution affecting the way teams are constructed, what skill-sets are required, and the ownership of quality within the organization.
Mar 27, 2019 | Agile, Automation, Business of Testing, Community Webinar, DevOps, Leadership, Management, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
Join our STP Community Webinar host, Smita Mishra, as she leads this panel discussion with Theresa Neate and Hilary Weaver-Robb. These seasoned Testing Professionals will discuss their experiences with testing, development, and a leadership perspective in a DevOps world. They will also discuss how testing has evolved, and the types of testing they are focusing on now.
Mar 13, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Load, Machine Learning, Performance, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
Sure, machine learning is nothing new. And artificial intelligence is nothing new. However, when we are starting to leverage these not-so-new “intelligence” tools in our work as test engineers, that is quite new. This webinar gives some advice based on some research over the last 2 years of burgeoning ideas about how we are going to conduct performance testing and engineering work with AI and ML.
Mar 1, 2019 | Agile, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Context Driven, Development, DevOps, Exploratory, Leadership, Machine Learning, Management, Process, QA, STP Community, STPCon, Test Plans, Testing, Tools, Training, Webinar
Here is your opportunity to ask any questions to Michael Bolton. Michael is a consulting software tester and testing teacher who helps people solve testing problems that they didn’t realize they could solve.
Feb 14, 2019 | Automation, Community Webinar, DevOps, Process, QA, STP Community, STPCon, Testing, Webinar
Focusing on more valuable automation, shifting traditional “right” tasks left, and tailoring refinement to account for more efficient activities are some of the topics we’ll discuss.
Jan 31, 2019 | Agile, Leadership, Management, Process, Test Plans, Testing, User Acceptance
The modern-day quality assurance and testing practitioner is inundated with tools, techniques, and methodologies for achieving a higher level of software quality. Various best-in-class tools, such as Azure DevOps, have doubled-down on the features and functionality...
Jan 24, 2019 | AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Featured, Leadership, Machine Learning, QA, STP Community, STPCon, Testing, Webinar
Recorded 01/23/19 Modern testing isn’t keeping up with Agile and DevOps. Postmodern testing, like its artistic parallel, is the acceptance of this reality and practically combines the learnings of what works and what doesn’t in today’s software engineering landscape....
Dec 20, 2018 | Business of Testing, Featured, Leadership, Management, Metrics, Process, QA, Testing, Testing Career
I won’t bombard you with gazillions of testing metrics in this article. Instead, I would like to share my thoughts on what to consider when you want to measure testing. I often see testing metrics misused from one project to another, and wanted to share my take....
Dec 20, 2018 | Community Webinar, Featured, Leadership, Metrics, Process, QA, Regression Testing, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
In this Webinar, we will show you the fundamentals to calculating how effective your team is at finding bugs in your software. Using ServiceNow and Micro Focus ALM to demonstrate, we’ll show you how to automate the flow of information between your ALM and ITSM tools to monitor DDP in real time.