Jul 13, 2017 | Agile, Community Webinar, QA, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
As more and more organizations transition to agile, many still do not understand how testing fits into agile teams. Does it simply mean placing a tester on every team? Or does it mean doing away with the role of testers? Pradeepa Narayanaswamy explains the importance of working in cross-functional teams that integrate development and testing. Pradeepa shares her insights into the keys of agile testing including understanding the agile testing mindset and goals. She discussed the responsibilities of a tester on an agile team and describes the diverse skill sets required on those teams.
Nov 29, 2016 | Business of Testing, Process, QA, RBCS-Webinar, Requirements, STP Community, Testing, Testing Career, Training, Webinar
In this webinar, Rex will discuss ways that test professionals can help their project teams resolve that quandary. First, it’s important to recognize the trade-offs being made, and then test professionals can promote the five elements of making successful trade-offs: shared vision; disciplined management; quality in, and bugs out, throughout; focused testing; and, sending the right message. Rex will illustrate these five elements with a variety of case studies and examples.
Jul 16, 2015 | Testing Career, Training
One of the most important aspects of a manager’s job is to see to it that his employees are properly prepared to perform the duties required and expected of them. Once the employee is on board, whether he is a new hire or a veteran, the manager needs to...
Jan 7, 2014 | Team Management, Training
The fact that you are reading this is already setting you apart from the testers who are unaware – or don’t care – about the great resources the Internet can offer a tester.
Jan 3, 2012 | Training
As more and more software test engineers and developers focus on application performance, they need to figure out career paths around performance testing and engineering that will help them grow their skills in performance optimization, coding for performance,...
Nov 22, 2011 | Business of Testing, Community Webinar, Metrics, Process, QA, RBCS, RBCS-Webinar, Requirements, STP Community, Testing, Training, Webinar
In this webinar, Rex will discuss important things test professionals can learn by listening to defects. He’ll illustrate these insights with a variety of case studies and examples. You’ll walk away ready to listen to your defects, and to understand what they’re telling you.
Jul 6, 2011 | Process, QA, RBCS-Webinar, Testing, Testing Career, Training, Webinar
In this webcast, Rex will explain why it’s so tough—and why technically-oriented testers who have achieved Foundation certification should step up to the challenge.
Jun 14, 2011 | Testing, Training
There is no question that there are great opportunities for improvement when it comes to testing teams and organizations that employ them. A discussion less frequently addressed is when individual testers are the entire test team. Various names have been applied to...
Mar 7, 2011 | Leadership, Management, Testing, Training
There are two types of managers, those that are happy, even eager, to work with their colleagues and those that don’t pay much attention to anyone else unless they have to. If you’re a busy software test manager— that’s probably redundant—you...
Mar 7, 2011 | Testing Career, Training
Many years ago the Director of Development, a fellow somewhat older and much wiser than most of the full-time employees at our mass-market commercial software company, invited me into his office. “I’m going to leave this job for one that’s a better...
Aug 17, 2010 | Testing Career, Training
Over the past two years, the economy has taken various tumbles and turns, and companies are doing radical things with their IT departments. Outsourcing, offshoring, and layoffs are throwing good, senior testers, back into the interview process. If a tester has had...
Sep 1, 2005 | Leadership, Process, Team Management, Testing, Training
Will Process Improvement Save the Day? Probably Not. You Need If you’ve been asked to start or grow a testing team, you’re probably wondering, “Where do I start?” Since test teams today are expected to find more bugs in less time, in increasingly complex environments...