Software Test Professionals Community Articles

Articles written by the STP community of professionals.
A DAY in the Life of a Software Tester

A DAY in the Life of a Software Tester

Monday 8:20am I get in to the office a little early, before everyone else. I will have some time to settle in before things get crazy. I'll have some quiet time to plan and organize my schedule for the day before the mad rush at the coffee machine. The masses start...

The Se7en Deadly Sins in Software Testing

The Se7en Deadly Sins in Software Testing

Lack of "Lust for finding Defects" – Lust could be an objectionable vice in the Bible, but in the "Bible of Software Testing", lust is a good thing; lust for finding defects that is. Have a craving, appetite, or great desire towards finding defects is something that...

The Embedded Software Development Process

The Embedded Software Development Process

What is embedded software? Embedded software is sometimes known as firmware. Specifically, we design, code, and test software that is permanently or semi-permanently stored on the microprocessor or sometimes stored in some other nonvolatile memory location but is almost never stored on a hard drive or CD/ DVD. In colloquial terms, we say the software is “burned” onto the chip.

Stealth Deployment

Stealth Deployment

This is a rework of a cartoon I drew in December 2006 based on a story that happened almost exactly like the cartoon demonstrates. I was "CC"-ied an Email which the head developer at that time answered to Engineering team. He forced them to deploy a piece of code...

Testers Behaving Badly

Testers Behaving Badly

Every software tester has a story about how they have been misunderstood or mistreated by co-workers or colleagues, or managers that don't understand the work they do or its importance. Those things sometimes happen, but it's a two-way street. There are times as...

Test Automation and Coding – Parallel Life Cycles

Test Automation and Coding – Parallel Life Cycles

In the traditional approach test automation comes into play gradually upon the product maturing during its development. The automated tests are added during the subsequent development process phases, first as regression cases, once manual unit and functional tests are...